On the run again! This time? I find a River to hide! Channeling my "Kill Bill" in Fitted PVC all over even gloves strip down to teeny black bikini, once I realize they are gone! I am running the river bank in my entire get up! I have nothing with me except me, my PVC catsuit, black gloves and super tall white PVC boots! My boots are my favorite but damnit! I think they got me spotted! So, I find this River I'm running along and come up with a plan! I stumble across a boat ramp... The water is moving fast and i need something to hang onto! EAch time I hear the sirens? I'm crouching down, preparing for the worst... to have to fully submerge in this fast moving water to hide for who knows how long!
Fate had other plans as high heeled PVC boots that hit right under your ass? Do not make good hiking or River walking shoes! Rocks underneath me? I trip and splash into the water! Fully submerging! The water is moving fast and takes me under again and again...! so? Now its time to say "fuck it" because I know they heard those splashes! I had to get under and stay under as long as i could each time! After doing this a few times an my boots seemed to want to float? I get out of the water and take them off, showing off my bare feeties for you. keeping on my all black gloves and suit. I throw them on the bank maybe giving the cops a hint i was taken by the river current! I get back in and listen and dunk when I have to and stay under! Once I do this a while? I realize they are most likely gone and i have done it! So, I have on a teeny black bikini underneath my suit... why not enjoy a nice swim? So, that is exactly what I did... and took in the gorgeous view all around me! What a spectacular scenery of Kentucky river I had stumbled into! Absolutely breathtaking! As soon as I catch my breath? I hear them onto me again! I grab all my gear and head out of the water fast as hell with all my clothes in tow! I think they may have been onto me! Enjoy this super fun little River hide out with this super cool outfit for just 6 bucks for 12/16/2021 to 12/20/2021! The whole weekend including some of monday!

Thank you for looking and thank you for purchasing my content! i love you all!